7 Steps to Cleanse Your Aura and Cut Ties
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7 Steps to Cleanse Your Aura and Cut Ties

August 27, 2020 by PathForward
A good aura cleanse might be just what you need.
A good aura cleanse might be just what you need.
Have you ever heard about the bonding of auras during sex? You carry these energies with you unless you practice spiritual cleansing.

If you’ve had multiple partners throughout life without taking the time to cut energetic ties, then you‘re still carrying the energies of your partners with you. These ties can ward off the positive relationship that you’re looking for in life. So how do you get rid of these energies? 


You have to cut ties with each person one by one, and if you have multiple energies, it will take time. I would not recommend trying to get rid of every person in one meditation as it can be draining for you energetically. Try cutting ties with one person and take a few days to let the energy settle. Then practice the same meditation again for the next person. This is also wonderful to practice after a break up!

1.Light one or more white tea light candles to bring in positive energy and for soft dim lighting. You might also want to sage the area first with a sage smudge to clear out negative energies and prepare yourself for meditation. 

2. Find a comfortable spot sitting upright in a chair with both feet on the ground. You want to be grounded and focused or this meditation won’t work. Close your eyes and count to 10, taking deep breaths with each number. 

3. If you already practice meditation, visualize your sacred space. This is your starting point. If you don’t have a sacred space, visualize a place in which you feel safe. Also visualize a candle or a torch beside you which you can grab at any time. 

4. Invite the person you’re cutting ties with into your space while envisioning a cord connected to you both at your heart or your solar plexus (I’ve seen cords connected to either chakra).

5. Take the candle or the torch in your hand and place it in the middle of the cord setting the middle on fire. Visualize the cord in two separate pieces as the flame follows the cord back to you and back to the other person. 

6. Once the flame and the cord are completely gone, thank this person for his/her time, and wish him/her well in life (after all, you’re communicating with this person’s spirit). See this person disappear from your space!
7. Count back from 10 to 1 and open your eyes. 

Since you’ve now cleansed yourself mentally and spiritually, take a long hot bath or shower after the meditation to cleanse yourself physically. You may also burn sage in the area to cleanse the area when you’re done. You should now feel refreshed, clear, and ready to move forward to new relationships. 

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