5 Powerful Females Who've Stormed the Traditionally Male Business World
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5 Powerful Females Who've Stormed the Traditionally Male Business World

January 15, 2015
Perhaps the glass ceiling is finally beginning to crack.
Perhaps the glass ceiling is finally beginning to crack.

Does the glass ceiling still exist? The lingering difference between the paychecks of similarly employed men and women, combined with the relatively few women holding power positions in Fortune 500 companies, seems to indicate that, sadly, it is. However, the ceiling may be starting to crack. The following women have beat the odds, becoming powerful, wealthy, successful, and productive in traditionally male dominated industries and positions. Each has a powerful story to tell, and serves as a role model for girls and women everywhere who yearn for the chance to succeed. 

1. Sheryl Sandberg 

Sheryl Sandberg is the COO (chief operating officer) of Facebook. Named number six on Forbes' list of Power Women, Sandberg is 44 years old, married with two children, proving that you can have a family and a career and be successful at both.

She has written a book entitled "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Succeed," which tells just how she managed to be successful on both work and home fronts. Under her tenure, Facebook has commanded 18.4 percent of the mobile market revenue shares. 

2. Meg Whitman 

Currently serving as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Meg Whitman is working hard to right this tech ship, which once almost sank from a lack of vision in the industry. Whitman is worth about $1.9 billion, most of which came from her 10 year tenure and stock investments with eBay.

She is also married with two children, and is 57 years old. Number 15 on Forbes Power Women list, she has served at Hasbro, Disney, and Proctor and Gamble. A tarot reading can see she has an eye for successful endeavors. 

3. Susan Wojcicki 

Susan Wojciki hired on at Google when only 15 others worked there. She now acts as the senior vice president of advertisements, overseeing all of Google's ad products, including Ad Words, Ad Sense, Analytics, and Double Click. Her model is working toward users choosing to see the ads instead of being force-fed.

In 2012, her division of Google accounted for 87 percent of the company's massive $50 billion in revenue, for a total of $43.5 billion. She is married with four children, and is age 45. She ranks number 30 on Forbes' Power Women list. 

4. Sun Yafang 

Sun Yafang is a Chinese citizen, and the chairperson of Huawei Technologies. Huawei is the second largest manufacturer of Telecomm networking equipment and the third largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world. Currently, these products are only available in China. Her net worth is $35.5 billion, which she has accumulated in her tenure with Huawei since 1989. 

5. Zhang Xin 

Zhang Xin, along with her husband, Pan Shiyi, has built an empire of a private sector real estate development company. Worth $3.8 billion, she ranks 50th on Forbes' list of Power Women. The couple has been successful with Hong Kong investors, who have bought into their real estate model of building properties to hold on to instead of just to sell off. The couple have two children, and live in Beijing. 

Do you yearn to find your path to success? Schedule a psychic reading to find your way to success. These women are an inspiration to all women who hope that the world can move past holding people back because of sexual bias. 

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